Manoilova L.Nickolov R.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162020-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85080914225 dynamic adsorption capacities of new types of activated materials are studied (gas mask carbons) in respect to poisonous substances. They represent the main types of action mechanisms of gas mask carbons-physical adsorption (Cl3CNO2) and catalytic sorption (HCN). The study is run to determine the impact of the modifier K2SO3 (2 mass. %-8 mass. %) on the protection properties of the newly acquired carbon catalysts.enStudy of K2SO3 supplements impact on the protection properties of a new type of gas mask carbons in respect to Cl3CNO2 and HCN (CN)2 vaporsArticle