Nickolov R.Mehandjiev D.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-101998-01-010263-617410.1177/026361749801600604SCOPUS_ID:0032457162 carbon-coated support has been prepared by the impregnation of commercial alumina with an ammoniacal solution of amphiphilic carbonaceous material. It was established that the method used for the deposition of the carbon coating on the support allowed control of both the layer thickness and the degree of filling of the surface in the low carbon content region. Equations proposed for the approximate determination of the thickness of the deposited carbon layer and of the surface occupied by this layer enabled a tentative prediction to be made of the most desirable parameters for such a system.enOn the possibility of surface modification of an alumina support with amphiphilic carbonaceous materialArticle