Manoilova L.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162020-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85098730603 a standard impregnation procedure for obtaining carbon-catalysts, various types of gas mask carbons have been produced and studied based on Cu, Zn, Аg (with or without Mo), as well as the standard ASC Whetlerite type (Cu/Cr/Ag). A study has been run for the impact of the modifiers К2СО3 and triethylendiamine (TEDA) on the texture parameters of studied specimens. The newly obtained specimens are potentially applicable to the gas mask equipment for air purification from the vapors of some highly toxic substances appearing as industrial and potentially terroristic poisonous substances.enIMPACT OF K2C03 AND TRIETHYLENDIAMINE ON THE TEXTURE PARAMETERS OF NEW GAS MASK CARBONSArticle