Vassilev V.Karadashka I.Parvanov S.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102008-07-010022-369710.1016/j.jpcs.2008.01.010SCOPUS_ID:44549083894 glasses from the Ag2Te-As2Se3-CdTe system were synthesized. The basic physicochemical parameters such as density (d), microhardness (HV) and the temperatures of phase transformations (the glass transition Tg, crystallization Tcr and melting Tm) were measured. Compactness and some thermomechanical characteristics such as volume (Vh) and formation energy (Eh) of micro-voids in the glassy network, as well as the module of elasticity E were calculated. The overall mean bond energy 〈E〉, the mean coordination number Z, the mean bond energy of the average cross-linking/atom and the average bond energy per atom of the ``remaining matrix``-over(E, -)c and over(E, -)rm, as well as the average heteropolar bond energy Ehb, the degree of ``cross-linking/atom`` Pp and the radial bond strength were determined. The correlation between the composition and properties of the Ag2Te-As2Se3-CdTe glasses was established and comprehensively discussed. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.enNew chalcogenide glasses in the Ag2Te-As2Se3-CdTe systemArticle