Sensors applicability for PM2.5 and PM10 air concentration measurements

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Comparisons of Private Stations (PS) measurements with Automatic Monitoring Stations (AMS) included in the National Environmental Monitoring System of the Ministry of Environment and Waters in Bulgaria has been made. The chosen PS (a total of four) are located close to AMS. In order to check whether the PS data are reliable and could be used for air quality monitoring, a statistical analysis of the data from the PS and the AMS was performed. The concentrations measured by two methods are quite different, but a good correlation between them has been established. In order to improve the PS measurement accuracy models for correction of the PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations measured using sensors were derived. They are characterized with good accuracy but are only valid for the warm part of the year. It is necessary to derive another set of coefficients for the cold half of the year. Without correction, the PS measurement error is large and their records may be misleading.