Agglomeration process productivity increasing by a sinter mix preheating

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To increase the productivity of the agglomeration process, preheating of the charge is proposed. A series of industrial experiments was carried out on the sinter machine No. 1 of the sinter department of JSC ``Ural Steel``. The dynamics of the sinter mix temperature during the technological stages of its preparation from pelleting to loading on pallets was studied, depending on a water temperature change during pelletizing. It was defined that for the winter working of the sinter department of JSC ``Ural Steel`` the water temperature increase which supplied of the pelletizer to moistening, for every 10°C, facilitates an increase in the temperature of the sinter mix on the pallets by 1.5-2.0°C. Therefore, for stable sinter mix production with a temperature higher than 55°C, it is necessary to supply a pelletizer with water, which temperature is at least 85°C. To implement the proposed technology, it is necessary to equip the sinter machines with water-heating recuperative heater, installed above the sintering machine behind the ignition hood and using heat, radiated from the surface of the sinter.