Determination of the composition and contamination with heavy metals of soils from the srebarna lake reserve

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The wetlands in direct contact with large rivers, such as the connection between Srebarna Lake and the Danube River, are particularly vulnerable to heavy metals. These metals can be a serious problem due to their toxicity, long persistence and bioaccumulation in the food chain, at the top of which in the wetlands are the waterfowl. For this reason, they are extremely susceptible to the accumulation and influence of heavy metals in their bodies and it is possible to come on to accumulation of significant concentrations, leading to negative effects for them. In this regard, subjects of study in this article are soils from the reserve area. Eight soil samples were tested for pH, electrical conductivity, nutrient content and heavy metals presence. The presented results show that the soils in the area have a relatively good stock in terms of carbon (humus), Ca, Mg, K and P, and although some heavy metals and metalloids have been found, their concentrations are below the permissible normatively established values.