Investigation of formation, development and application of arthrobacter oxydans 1388 biofilm

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Biofilms are microbial communities attached to different kinds of surfaces or associated with interfaces. These microbial communities are often composed of multiple species that interact with each other and their environment. The determination of biofilm architecture, particularly the spatial arrangement of microcolonies (clusters of cells) relative to one another, has profound implications for the function of these complex communities. Numerous new experimental approaches and methodologies have been developed in order to explore metabolic interactions, phylogenetic groupings, and competition among members of the biofilm. Bioremediation is an innovation technology, which controls the pollutants, using biological systems for degradation or transformation of different toxic compounds Taking in consideration the efficiency of the bioremediation by means of different microbial strains the aim of this study is to investigate the creation and application of biofilms for wastewater treatment. The dynamics of the formation of a biofilm from cells of strain Artrobacter oxydans 1388 on newly synthesized different carriers was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) are biopolymers of microbial origin in which biofilm microorganisms are embedded. Exopolysaccharides and proteins are one of the main factors in biofilm formation, evidence for microenviromental changes of microbial cells. In this study the biofilm growth and characteristics are researched by biochemical methods of investigation of extacellular polymeric substances. The microbial cells are immobilized by two methods—covalently binding and adhesion to the different polymeric matrixes. Matrixes were obtained on the base of copolymer of acrylonitrile with acrylamide and mixed with cellulose acetate butyrate. In this case they were with high mechanical stability. Two methods of immobilization were applied. The obtained results demonstrated that better and more effective was the covalent binding. © 2009 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.