Synthesis, optical properties and structure of NiO-BaO-V2O5 glasses

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Glasses with compositions xNiO.(35-x)BaO.65V2O5 (x= 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15 and 20 mol %) are prepared using a conventional melt quenching method. XRD and DTA/DSC analysis are performed. The results of XRD analysis confirm the amorphous nature of the samples. The glasses possess low glass transition temperature Tg of 267 - 282 A and crystallization temperature of 301 - 390°C The measured density decreases with increasing of NiO content from 3.560 to 3.490 g cm-3. The refractive index n0, optical band gap Eg, electronic oxide ion polarizability αO-2 and optical basicity Λ of the glasses are calculated by Lorentz-Lorenz equation. The glasses were found to possess high refractive index (2.174 - 2.271), narrow band gap (3.51 - 3.98 eV), high oxide ion polarizability (2.653 - 2.723 Å3) and high optical basicity (1.041 - 1.057). The third order nonlinear optical susceptibility χ(3) is determined by generalized Miller's rule and three photon model. It was established that χ(3) is high in the 0.78 - 1,43x10-12 esu range. The average single bond strength BM-O and the interaction parameter A(n0) are calculated. The bond strength is found to vary from 252 - 258 kJ mol-1 and the interaction parameter was in the 0.050 - 0.055 Å-3 range, thus suggesting the presence of weak chemical bonds. The structure of the glasses was investigated by means of IR spectroscopy. The analysis of IR spectra confirmed the presence of weak chemical bonds such as Ni-O-V, Ba...O=V, V-NBO (nonbridging oxygen) and V-O-V. The high polarizability of the oxide ions in these bonds accounts for the observed linear and nonlinear optical properties of the glasses.