Correlation between thermal expansion coefficient and interionic interaction parameter in ZnOBi2O3B2O3 glasses

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The volume thermal expansion coefficients (β) in 50300°C of xZnOyBi2O3zB2O3 glasses (x = 1065, y = 1050, z = 2560 mol%) were measured and the refractive index-based interionic interaction parameters A(no) were estimated from oxide ion electronic polarizabilities to acquire deeper insight into the relationship between the electronic polarizability and chemical bonding state of oxide glasses. The glasses have relatively large values of c = 210289.© 1017K11, and the substitution of ZnO for B2O3 and the increase in Bi2O3 content result in an increase in c. The values of A(no) decrease with the substitution of ZnO for B2O3 and the substitution of Bi2O3 for ZnO. An almost linear correlation was observed between c and A(no), i.e., the volume thermal expansion coefficient decreases with increases in the interionic interaction parameter. A good correlation was also observed between A(no) and the refractive index-based optical basicity a(no). The interionic interaction parameter is helpful for understanding the chemical bonding state of oxide glasses.