Dynamic reconfigurability of control systems using IEC 61499 standard

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The reconfigurable control systems are able to rearrange dynamically the system elements in order to accommodate the failure events and the new requirements. Reconfigurability of control systems is highly related to satisfying the requirements for interoperability, configurability, integrability, modularity, customization, scalability, convertibility, diagnosability and portability. All these features of control system are reachable using the reference architecture and models provided in the IEC 61499 standard. The event-driven structure of the models and applications supports the reconfigurability but there is no recommended solution to this issue, given in the standard. This paper presents and discusses an approach for model driven development of reconfigurable control systems based on IEC 61499 standard. For achieving dynamic reconfigurability of control application the concepts of management resource and device are defined and applied. The proposed development life cycle including design and implementation of control system is simplified through the software engineering concept of model driven architecture and model driven engineering (MDA/MDE), based on development of reusable platform independent models (PIM) and their transformation to different platform specific models (PSM), depending on the selected device. The suggested approach is illustrated with a case study for model driven development of reconfigurable control system for FESTO processing station S-BE-M, to which two new modules are developed and added in order to test different reconfiguration scenarios. Copyright © 2013 IFAC.