Photo- and thermo-induced changes in optical constants and structure of thin films from GeSe2-GeTe-ZnTe system

creativework.keywordsChalcogenides, Optical properties, Structure, Thin films
creativework.publisherElsevier B.V.en
dc.contributor.authorPetkov K.
dc.contributor.authorTodorov R.
dc.contributor.authorVassilev V.
dc.contributor.authorAljihmani L.
dc.description.abstractWe examined the condition of preparation of thin films from GeSe 2-GeTe-ZnTe system by thermal evaporation and changes in their optical properties after exposure to light and thermal annealing. The results for composition analysis of thin films showed absence of Zn independently of the composition of the bulk glass. By X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis it was found that a reduction of ZnTe in ZnSe in bulk materials takes of place during the film deposition. A residual from ZnSe was observed in the boat after thin film deposition. Optical constants (refractive index, n and absorption coefficient,α) and thickness, d as well as the optical band gap, E g, depending of the content of Te in ternary Ge-Se-Te system are determined from specrophotometric measurements in the spectral range 400-2500 nm applying the Swanepoel's envelope method and Tauc's procedure. With the increase of Te content in the layers the absorption edge is shifted to the longer wavelengths, refractive index increases while the optical band gap decreases from 2.02 eV for GeSe2 to 1.26 eV for Ge 34Se42Te24. The values of the refractive index decrease after annealing of all composition and Eg increase, respectively. Thin films with composition of Ge27Se 47Te9Zn17 and Ge28Se 49Te10Zn13 were prepared by co-evaporation of (GeSe2)78(GeTe)22 and Zn from a boat and a crucible and their optical properties, surface morphology and structure were investigated. The existence of a correlation between the optical band gap and the copostion of thin films from the system studied was demonstrated. © 2013 The Authors.
dc.titlePhoto- and thermo-induced changes in optical constants and structure of thin films from GeSe2-GeTe-ZnTe system
dc.typeConference Paper