Magnetic-spinning effects in sack paper technology

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The latest tendency data show that the reduction of consumption of office paper, newspapers and magazines will continue. Only packaging and tissue papers maintain or increase their values. The ever-increasing demands on quality and ecology in paper production are currently being solved mostly through a variety of different chemical additives. These facts require alternative and non-traditional methods and technologies of improved environmental friendliness to increase further the efficiency of the processes. Magnetic treatment of water systems is a relatively new method for the optimization of industrial processes. It is technically comfortable and environmentally friendly but it cannot replace the use of the suitable Wet-End chemical additives. Furthermore, it is technologically easy to apply and requires minimum investment and costs, which provides its wide application. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effect of magnetic treatment on the sack paper furnish behavior in dependence of the quantity of the anionic high-molecular mass modified polyacrylamide at a constant consumption of other system components. The investigations are carried out with 100 % unbleached sulphate softwood pulp, cationic starch, anti-dusting additive, modified rosin sizing agent, Alum and retention additive. The experimental results obtained show the positive impact of the magnetic treatment on the behavior and properties of the paper furnish.