Validation of Ion Chromatographic Method for Determination of Standard Inorganic Anions in Treated and Untreated Drinking Water

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An ion chromatographic method for determination of fluoride, chloride, nitrate and sulphate in untreated and treated drinking waters was described. An automated 850 IC Professional, Metrohm system equipped with conductivity detector and Metrosep A Supp 7-250 (250 x 4 mm) column was used. The validation of the method was performed for simultaneous determination of all studied analytes and the results have showed that the validated method fits the requirements of the current water legislation. The main analytical characteristics were estimated for each of studied analytes: limits of detection, limits of quantification, working and linear ranges, repeatability and intermediate precision, recovery. The trueness of the method was estimated by analysis of certified reference material for soft drinking water. Recovery test was performed on spiked drinking water samples. An uncertainty was estimated. The method was applied for analysis of drinking waters before and after chlorination.