Group optical basicity and single bond strength of lead borate glasses

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Equation providing the calculation of the theoretical optical basicity Λth(1) of PbO-B2O3 glasses is suggested taking into account the contribution of the mole fraction and the group basicity of different structural units, namely BO3 and BO4 groups. It is found that in case of PbO-B2O3 glasses the curves of the refractive index based optical basicity Λ(n0) and the theoretical optical basicity Λth(1) as a function of PbO content follow a similar trend changing their slope at about 50 mol. % PbO. An equation is proposed to calculate the average single bond strength BM-O of PbO containing borate glasses taking into account the mole fractions of PbO3, PbO4, PbO6, BO3 and BO4 groups. It is established that both equations give the possibility for more precisely estimation of the theoretical optical basicity and the single bond strength of the glasses. It is found that the single bond strength of PbO-B2O3 glasses decreases with increasing PbO content. The observed increase of the optical basicity with decreasing single bond strength of lead borate glasses is discussed with increase the number of Pb-O-B and Pb-O-Pb bonds containing oxide ions with increased polarizability.