Progresses in treatment of collagen and keratin-based materials with silver nanoparticles

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The influence of different chemical systems on the interaction of collagen at the molecular level with silver nanoparticles in collagen- based materials is a very important source of information for designing leather technologies and treatments as ecological alternatives to organic preservatives currently used. The UV circular dichroism as a scientific tool to assess mainly the secondary structure of proteins in solution proved that silver nanoparticles are able to interact with collagen in aqueous medium in the presence of some classical cross- linkers and other chemical additives similar to those occurred in collagen-based materials. The most important influence on secondary structure of collagen was observed in the case of interaction with chemically and electrochemically synthesized silver nanoparticles in the presence of basic chromium salts with or without poly(hydroxy urethane). The treatment of chromium tanned sheepskins with poly(hydroxyl urethane) and dispersion of chemically synthesized nanosilver showed the best resistance to fungi and bacterial exposure tests. These collagen-based materials containing different amounts of nanosilver were investigated by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy. The influence of sheepskins treated with silver nanoparticles on the wound healing process was assessed and the nanoparticles concentration seems to have a positive effect up to 370 ppm and does not influence the inflammatory process above this concentration. © Versita Sp. z o.o.