Study on the behaviour of flotation fayalite waste from copper production at nonisothermal heating

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The behaviour of flotation fayalite waste from copper slag at non-isothermal heating has been studied. Only a small part from this product (about 2 %) is used in the cement production. The other part, containing rather high percentage of iron is not used and it is deposited thus polluting the environment. DTA method was used to study the behavior of this waste at the non-isothermal heating up to 1273K and 1673K. Phase transformations have been defined by chemical and X-ray analyses. The phases of hematite, magnetite and cristalobalite were determined in the end product after flotation. Thermograms, obtained by DTA show that the oxidation processes run into two stages at the non-isothermal heating - the first stage up to T = 894K and the second one up to T = 1155K. Experimentally, the melting temperature of the flotation fayalite waste (Tmelt ≈ 1457K) was found. The melting of the sample in the crucible was observed at this temperature.