Theoretical substantiation of the design of a seeding device for differentiated intra soil application of mineral fertilizers

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The existing seeding devices not fully provide quality of application of mineral fertilizers. Unevenness and instability of application reach 20-40% at demanded to 15%. It, first of all, associated with the absorption of fertilizers and imperfection of seeding devices for fertilizer. For a solution of the problem of ensuring quality of application of mineral fertilizers at their intra soil differentiated application the original design of the pin reel of a seeding device is offered. Pins of the reel are executed in the form of the tetrahedral truncated pyramids located on crossing right and left multiple-helical lines on a reel surface. Theoretical researches relied on regularities of classical mechanics. As a result of theoretical researches the expression connecting all key design and technological parameters is received: reel radius, number of pins on it, their height and the sizes of the top and lower basis, diameter of a driving wheel, rate of application, aisle width, and transfer ratio of the driving mechanism.