Synthesis and investigation of the properties of hybrid materials for enzyme immobilization

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The chemical nature of carriers for enzyme immobilization plays an important role for retention of the enzyme activity and stability. Two new materials are synthesized for enzyme immobilization based on trimethoxy silane/cellulose acetate butyrate/poly (amido amine) dendrimers (TMOS/CAB/PAMAM) and methyltriethoxy silane/cellulose acetate propionate/ poly (amido amine) dendrimers (MTES/CAP/PAMAM). The synthesis is carried out via the sol-gel method, which allows the preparation of porous glasses through hydrolysis and poly-condensation at a low temperature using high purity initial materials. The PAMAM dendrimers are mono-dispersive, well defined and have a developed three dimensional structure of a high functional groups concentration. The obtained materials are used to investigate the properties of immobilized enzymes such as lipoxygenase and laccase. These enzymes are widely used in industry as bleaching agents. There is also data on application of laccase and lipoxygenase in preparation of biosensors for toxic pollutants determination. Biosensors with immobilized laccase are used to determine phenolic compounds, whereas immobilized lipoxygenase is applied to biosensors formulation for determining Aflatoxin B1 presence.