Model-driven development of agent-based cyber-physical systems

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In order to achieve its goal in using intelligent adaptive and predictive technical systems with self-X functions and cognitive information processing in continuous interaction with environment, the Industry 4.0 initiative implies integration of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), the Internet of Tilings (IoT) and cloud computing leading to what is called ``smart factory``. This, in turn, faces the CPS with new challenges in terms of increasing the degree of distribution, autonomy, mobility, communication and security of the systems and their components, as well as expanding their functionality in the direction of data analytics, information and knowledge extraction, and increasing their intelligence. The main aim of the paper is to define a software process model for model-driven development of agent-based CPS using the Organization-based multi-agent software engineering process framework O-MaSE. CPS are developed as layer-based Multi Agent Systems (MAS) that enable the division of system elements into levels, reduce the coupling between modules and facilitates abstractions as well as the distributions of responsibilities. The suggested approach is illustrated with an example for model-driven development of pilot batch reactor as an agent-based CPS based on O-MaSE methodology and agentTool III.