Structure, crystallization and electrochemical corrosion behaviour of amorphous Cu66Ti34 alloy

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The effect of thermally induced structural changes to electrochemical corrosion behaviour of amorphous Cu66Ti34 alloy is studied using electrochemical potentiodynamic polarization technique in conjunction with XRD, TEM and DTA. The heat treatment has been carried out at two temperatures: 300 °C - where the procedd of structural relaxation is only possible and 500 °C - where metallization of the alloy occurs. An model corrosive media IN H2SO4 and 1N HNO3 solutions are used. The short range order of the amorphous samples is studied with the total pair correlation function. Some changes of the interatomic distances and a tendency to increasing of the density of the amorphous structure after low temperature heating are established. The crystallization leads to formation of Cu3Ti2, β-Cu3Ti and Cu2Ti crystalline phases. It has been found that structural relaxation may have a beneficial effect on the susceptibility of the amorphous alloy to passivation, while crystallization lowers considerably its corrosion resistance.