Cyclic voltammetry investigations of hydrogen peroxide on Ag/Ni foam electrodes

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The main problem of the hydrogen peroxide fuel cells (HPFC) is to find out appropriate electro-catalytic materials for the electrodes. A possible solution is to use of Ni-foam. By deposition of suitable films onto the electrodes made of Ni-foam can be achieved a significantly increase of the chemical and corrosion stability, an electrocondutivity and a high catalytic activity. Moreover, a considerably decrease in the weight of the electrode and respectively its price with comparison to the massive metal can be also achieved. In the present work, the behavior of stabilized solutions of hydrogen peroxide with concentration 0.15M H2O2; 0.22M H2O2 and 0.45M H2O2 in alkaline medium (1M KOH) and synthesized by hydrolysis of CaO2.xH2O in the presence of KHCO3 peroxide solutions with concentration 0.42M H2O2 and1M KOH onto massive, Ag electrode and Ag/Ni-foam electrodes have been investigated by cyclic voltammetry. The thickness of the electrodeposited coating onto nickel foam was 5 and 30 μm respectively. On the basis of the present study it is established that silver shows a high catalytic activity during reduction process of HO2- ion in alkaline solutions. The electrochemical behavior of H2O2 onto silver film, electrodeposited on Ni foam is analogous to this onto massive silver. The silver coating behaves actively even after prollong (100 cycle) electrochemical treatment. The same behavior of synthesized solution of hydrogen peroxide as compared to the stabilized solution is established and this suggests a possibility for its direct use as reagent in hydrogen peroxide fuel cells.