Recovery of copper and silver from Waelz clinker wasted from zinc production

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Waelz clinker is a waste material from the processing of zinc-lead cake into Waelz furnace in Bulgarian metallurgical plant KCM Ltd, Plovdiv, which contains valuable components such as copper silver, iron and carbon. Previously the clinker was treated by sulfuric acid solution in order to remove iron. The residue which contains 3,8 % copper, 250 g t-1 Ag and 26 % C is an object of this experimental work. The purpose of the work is to investigate the silver and copper recovery from this residue using H2SO4-HNO3 solutions. The influence of dissolution time, temperature and concentration of nitric acid at constant sulfuric acid concentration on the silver and copper recovery degree were investigated. The maximum silver recovery degree - 95 % is achieved at the following conditions: process duration - 1 h; temperature - 90°C; sulfuric acid concentration - 1M; nitric acid concentration - 1M; pulp density - 10 %. At these conditions the copper is practically completely recovered. The remaining insoluble residue contains 0,02 % Cu and 22 g t-1Ag. A technological scheme for two stage processing of Waelz clinker is developed.