The effect of preliminary and final heat treatment in course of the combined ``rolling-pressing`` process realization on microstructure evolution of copper

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A number of new methods of pressure processing of metals aimed at obtaining sub-ultrafine-grained structure have been recently developed. Their basic principle refers to realization of a simple shear scheme deformation. One of the approaches is to press blanks in matrices of different designs, in equal-channel step die in particular. However, this method has a significant disadvantage - it cannot be used to deform lengthy billets. Furthermore, this method does not provide the continuity of the pressing process. To remove these shortcomings a combined ``rolling-pressing`` process using an equal channel step matrix with calibrated and smooth rolls is developed at the Department of ``Metal Forming`` at the Karaganda State Industrial University. This work investigates the impact of the process advanced. It focuses on the preliminary and final heat treatment during its implementation on the microstructure evolution and the mechanical properties of the copper alloy produced. The results indicate that the technology proposed can be recommended for implementation in production of blanks of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys with ultrafine-grained structure and good mechanical properties.