A study of the partial neutralization process of solutions obtained during autoclave dissolution of pyrite concentrate

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The process of the partial neutralization of solutions with high concentration of ferric ions and acidity (> 60g l-1 Fe3+ and H2SO4), obtained during autoclave dissolution of pyrite concentrate, has been studied. Two types of neutralizers have been used: limestone from deposit ore ``Velikan`` and a waste from cutting of marble plates - a fine and a coarse fraction. It was found that for the neutralization process limestone and the fine fraction from marble's waste can be used successfully. Both reactants are with a high content of calcium carbonate (> 92 %). The use of the coarse fraction of marble was inappropriate, due to the high content of magnesium carbonate (33.51 %) and the low extraction of gypsum (~ 49 %). The optimal parameters of neutralization process have been established: pH from 0.9 to 1.1, temperature 323K and time of neutralization 60 min. Gypsum, obtained under these conditions, has a high purity (< 0.05 % Fe, < 0.002 % Cu) and a high chemical activity. This makes it a suitable reactant for the conversion to ammonium sulfate, a commercial product that can be used as an artificial fertilizer.