Rdf as an alternative fuel for the cement plants in Bulgaria

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With the growth of the world economy, the daily waste, generated by the industry and the way of life also increases. Since recycling does not solve comprehensively the problem about handling with the solid waste, significant resources are invested in the integration of combined systems and their management aimed at their complete utilization. As a member of the European Union (EU), Bulgaria is also committed to the entire concept for waste reduction, carbon dioxide emissions and other gases, causing the greenhouse effect on the earth surface. The cement industry appears to be among the most suitable places for solving the mentioned tasks. The substitution of its traditional fuels with alternative energy sources has turned into a widespread method not only in Europe, but in all economically developed countries worldwide. In the current work we discuss the possibilities for utilization of the highly calorific refused derived fuel (RDF) in Bulgaria, with the purpose to reduce the use of fossil energy resources in the cement production and to reach environment protection, according to the current Directives 2010/75/EC and 2000/76/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. The main findings from this research are that the input of RDF in the rotary kilns in the cement plants on the territory of Bulgaria would affect positively the industry, both in technical and in environmental terms, and thence - in its economic aspects. The more specific results of the established trends are: reduction of greenhouse emission and other atmospheric pollutants, in particular - of ammonium oxides; cost reduction for fossil fuels; increase of the efficiency of the observed kiln, as well as; complete drop of the landfilled waste quantities on the territory of the state.