Investigation of electrochemical behavior of new hemorphin-5 analogue

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A biologically active VV-hemorphin-5 (Valorphin: Val-Val-Tyr-Pro-Trp-Thr-Gln) analogue was characterized electrochemically. In this regard the oxidation and adsorption reactions of the peptide on an electrode surface in a phosphate buffer solution have been studied and compared with those of valorphin and polarographic active tryptophan and tyrosin. For investigation of the interfacial behavior of the VV-hemorphin-5 derivative (H2) voltamperometry with platinum electrode as working electrode, with Ag/AgCl, (3 mol L-1) KCl electrode as a reference electrode, and a carbon electrode as an auxiliary electrode, have been used. The redox potentials were determined under various mode of sweep - differential pulse (DP) and cyclic voltamperometry (CV). Analysis of the wave shape, pH dependence, and concentration dependence of the oxidation process leads to the conclusion that the valorphin derivative is adsorbed on the Pt-electrode. The detection of a low concentration (2x10-5 mol L-1) leads to the conclusion for possible application of the voltamperometry as a method for determination of low concentrations from this class peptides.