Effect of magnetic field on cellulose refining process and strength properties

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This study presents the results from the investigation of the effect of constant magnetic field over the refining process of soft and hardwood pulp suspensions and an evaluation of its white waters and paper samples strength properties. In our experiment were used two types of kraft pulp - 100 % of softwood (pine and spruce) and 100 % of hardwood (acacia). The refining degree and dewatering time for 700 ml filtrate were determined by the Schopper Riegler Value °SR, according to ISO 5267-1/AC: 2004. The magnetic treatment of pulp suspensions was performed by using magnetic stator device with field intensity of 0,1 T. Aqueous stream (the paper furnish) was passed vertically downwards through the pole gap space with linear speed 0,6 - 0,8 m s-1 at quintuple and octuple crossing of the fluid. Of each pulp type were produced sheet samples 70 g/m2 without and with quintuple and octuple magnetic treatment. Tensile index, N m/g of papers was determined on a tensile testing machine Zwick/Roell, (ISO 1924-2:1985), Burst index, kPa m2/g (ISO 2759:2014) and Tear index, mNm2/g (ISO 1974:2012). The results show positive effect of the magnetic treatment over the cellulose refining time, cellulose suspensions dewatering effect and paper samples strength properties. For both investigated types of cellulose with a view of complete evaluation of the parameters studied out the quintuple magnetic treatment is optimal.