Development and research of the new forging technology of billets in the step-wedge dies

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The article describes the concept of a new forging method of billets with square and rectangular cross-section in dies, which design allows to develop shear and alternating deformation in the deformable metal. A computer simulation of the billet drawing process in the step-wedge dies of two configurations was carried out by the finite element method. A comparative analysis of the stress-strain state showed that the use of the configuration of stepwedge dies with a wedge on the top die and a cavity on the bottom die by the distribution character of the stressstrain parameters is the best option for the implementation of the drawing process of rectangular billets. However, during the deformation in the second configuration dies with a wedge on the top die and a wedge-shaped cavity on the bottom die, respectively, the load force is greater than during deformation in the dies of first configuration with the dies having only wedge protrusions, due to the smaller contact area of the tool with the billet. Experimental studies have shown that after the deformation of billets in step and step-wedge dies of both configurations there is an uniform refinement of the original cast metal structure throughout the whole volume, but the use of step-wedge dies in both cases provides a more intensive refinement of the cast structure for one cycle.