Investigation on the kinetics of coated paper thermal aging

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The paper aging is primarily attributed to the presence of carbonyl groups formed as a result of the oxidation of the hydroxyl groups at the second and third carbon atom in the elementary unit of the cellulose macromolecule and the presence of both aldehyde and carboxyl groups in the cellulose materials. Reduction of paper whiteness degree is mainly connected with the presence of lignin, hemicelluloses, the presence of metals and the sizing agent type. The paper as an elasto-plastic, capillary porous material quickly breaks down at an elevated temperature. The latter accelerates the chemical reactions that occur in paper in the course of aging. The depth of the paper changes depends not only on the temperature but also on the duration of the impact. For different paper types differing in composition the reaction rate constant is different. Its temperature dependence is described by the Arenius equation. The aim of this work is to carry out a kinetic analysis of the influence of the temperature increase on the ageing of coated paper used for book covers. The accelerated thermal aging is conducted at three different temperatures-90°C, 105°C and 120°C with duration of 6 h, 12 h, 18 h, 36 h and 48 h. In order to examine the kinetics of the process the level of whiteness is determined. The data obtained from the thermal aging of the paper are treated using the laws of polychrome kinetics.