Synthesis of 2-Substituted Benzimidazole Derivatives as a Platform for the Development of UV Filters and Radical Scavengers in Sunscreens

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The modern trend in sunscreen products is towards the development of UV filters with multi-functional properties, to provide a broad shielding against ultraviolet radiation, antioxidant activity, and the prevention of skin cancer. Additionally, they should also be safe for humans as well as the environment. The benzimidazole heterocycle is a suitable platform for the development of such multifunctional molecules with potential application in cosmetic formulations, due to their ability to act as both UV protectors and reactive pharmacophores. This review presents for the first time the progress in the synthesis and optimization of benzimidazole compounds as UV sunscreen filters. The modifications to the substitution pattern of the lead compound and structure–activity relationships are discussed, as well as the synthetic approaches for the preparation of 2-substituted benzimidazoles. These aggregated data will be useful in future in the development of modern benzimidazole-based sunscreen.