Analgesic properties of newly synthesized N-pyrrolyl hydrazide hydrazones

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Purpose: To screen a series of newly synthesized N-pyrrolyl hydrazide hydrazones for analgesic activity via Paw-pressure (PP) test and hot plate test (HPT). Methods: The compounds newly synthesized through the classical Paal-Knor cyclization, N-pyrrolyl hydrazide-hydrazones were administered intraperitoneally at a dose of 20 mg/kg. Paw pressure and hot plate tests were applied to assess the analgesic properties. In addition, stress-induced analgesia with naloxone as a non-selective opioid receptor antagonist was performed. Results: The compound (DI-5g), containing an izatine carbonyl fragment, was the most promising. It presented the highest paw pressure threshold (25 AU at 30th min) by exceeding the analgesic activity of the referent metamizole (23 AU at 30th min). The relative effect from the hot plate test was consistent with the paw pressure results. Opioid receptors were involved in the analgesic activities of N-pyrrolyl hydrazide-hydrazones. Conclusion: The N-pyrrolyl carboxylic acids are synthesized and identified as new compounds and their hydrazide-hydrazone derivatives as promising leads for future design and synthesis of drugs with possibly prolonged analgesic activity.